A Few Rhode Island Fall Scenes on Film
As I've shared in a few posts this year, back in the Summer I bought an old Canon A-1 film camera to start my journey into the world of film photography. This fall, the weather and my schedule limited my shooting a bit, but I did take the film camera out a couple of times. Last week I got my scans back and I did get a few good shots, which I am excited to share. All of these photographs were shot on Kodak Ultramax 400 and developed and scanned by Darkslide Film Lab.
Shooting film is definitely still an experiment for me that I'm hoping to improve at as I do it more, especially with getting the exposure right. But I am excited to try more as I know it will help me continue to improve as a photographer, so I'm definitely looking forward to some more film shoots in 2022. As always, thanks for reading!