
Return of the Blog: 2019 Site Refresh

Published on October 27, 2019

Welcome to the 2019 edition of the Brian Lavall Photography website. This is the first real update to my website since 2017. This refresh has been a long time coming, and I'm excited for what it means for the future of my photography.

The last couple of years have been great. I participated in my first ever art exhibition with RAW Artists and had some of my prints showcased in AS220's Flat Files Project. I've spent most of my time sharing on Instagram, and have seen some substantial growth on that platform, which has led to some great connections and opportunities.

At the same time, I'm looking for ways to take this to the next level. I have a lot of exciting plans coming up for the next few years, and this website redesign is the first major piece to this puzzle. Since I've been mostly creating for Instagram the last couple of years, I've started to feel limited by that format, so I've decided to bring back the blog.

I haven't had a blog on the website since 2014, and I'm excited about the flexibility the new blog will provide. The new blog will mostly feature what I'm calling "Photo Stories" with large imagery and full-screen galleries. I plan to use this to share sets of photographs to tell stories about travel, events, and different projects and shoots I do.

The blog will also give me a platform to share news about my photography, gallery exhibitions, events, projects, website updates, and much more. I've been planning the new blog for a while now, and have already added posts highlighting some exhibitions and trips from the past year.

In addition to the new blog, I've also redesigned the homepage and galleries section of the site, and will be adding many new photos to the galleries section over the next few weeks. These changes are just the beginning of my plans for the website, with more updates and features to come over the next few months.

Thanks for reading, and look out for my first fall photo story coming in the next couple weeks!