
Brian Lavall featured in the AS220 Flat File Project

Published on July 14, 2018

I’m excited I can finally share this news! Three of my photographs, "Iway Sunset Light Trails", "Blackstone River Black and White", and "Point Street Skyline at Blue Hour" are now being featured in the AS220 Galleries Flat File Project.

AS220 is a non-profit community arts organization in Providence, Rhode Island. These three prints will be showcased in the Flat File Project for the next year, and are also available for sale exclusively through the AS220 Art + Editions online shop.

I also did a short Q&A on the AS220 blog. For someone who’s grown up in the Providence area seeing all of the great things AS220 does for our local arts community, I'm excited be a part of it! Thanks to Paris & Neal at AS220 Galleries for the opportunity!